

    AIG Solutions Online Induction



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    Welcome to the AIG Traffic Online Induction


    AIG Security

    Welcome to AIG Solutions. We are glad you have chosen to work with us.

    You will be required to answer a few questions to make sure you understand our expectations and your responsibilities

    Please remember, though, that you HAVE to complete the entire induction before you can commence employment with us. 

    This online induction has been developed to ensure all our employees are safe and expectations are set. You will learn what to expect from us and what we expect from you.

    By law, we have a legal obligation to ensure you are safe and that you understand how to keep yourself and others safe.

    By completing this online induction, we will comply with the law and ensure a safe journey together.


    AIG Security 2


    Providing a Safe Work Environment


    AIG Solutions strives to provide and maintain for employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons a working environment that is safe and without risks to health. Opportunities are provided to everyone to be involved in consultation and decision-making. The Integrated Management System has been developed to ensure harm to people and the environment is eliminated.

    AIG Solutions demonstrates its commitment to workplace safety and the environment by making all employees accountable for workplace safety and environmental issues. The Company attributes the success of effective safety management and environmental performance to the ability to communicate the agreed standards of performance between employees and management.

    This Integrated Management System Manual identifies the requirements for the performance of work and verification and assigns these activities to various trained employees. It is AIG Solutions' responsibility to ensure that these duties are effectively performed.


    Management’s Responsibilities


    AIG Solutions strives to provide and maintain for employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons a working environment that is safe and without risks to health. Opportunities are provided to everyone to be involved in consultation and decision-making. The Integrated Management System has been developed to ensure harm to people and the environment is eliminated.

    AIG Solutions demonstrates its commitment to workplace safety and the environment by making all employees accountable for workplace safety and environmental issues. The Company attributes the success of effective safety management and environmental performance to the ability to communicate the agreed standards of performance between employees and management.

    This Integrated Management System Manual identifies the requirements for the performance of work and verification and assigns these activities to various trained employees. It is AIG Solutionsresponsibility to ensure that these duties are effectively performed.


    Supervisor’s Responsibilities


    The Supervisor is responsible for ensuring employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons under their supervision, for implementing control measures to ensure that workplace safety and the environment is not compromised. They work collaboratively to ensure that teams work in a safe manner, adhere to the controls implemented and address any workplace safety and environmental issues arising.

    For each work site or location under their control the Supervisor is responsible for:

    • Maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to health
    • ensuring a clean and tidy workplace is kept
    • ensuring all client safety, environmental and quality requirements and procedures are complied with
    • ensuring employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons are inducted into AIG Solutions Integrated Management System and where required, have the required licences, tickets and permits to carry out the work.
    • ensuring employees are conducting daily visual site inspections and where required, completing formal programmed site inspections
    • analyse work activities under their control to ensure that hazards and risks have been identified, assessed and controlled prior to work commencing.
    • analyse work activities under their control to ensure that quality requirements are met during all stages of work
    • ensuring that all materials, plant and equipment (including personal protective equipment) required to carry out the job safely are provided prior to work commencing
    • ensuring that work activities do not adversely affect or endanger other persons or the environment
    • ensuring all work is carried out by suitably qualified, trained and competent people
    • reporting, recording and investigating in consultation with others all; incidents, near misses and occurrences
    • immediately investigating all hazards and risks reported and implementing measures to control or eliminate such hazards and risks
    • conducting a job-orientated site induction was deemed necessary for all new employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons under their supervision
    • assisting in the rehabilitation of employees by encouraging early return to full duties and hours through work-based rehabilitation programs
    • ensuring compliance by all employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons with the AIG Solutions Integrated Management System
    • counselling and, where necessary, disciplining employees where non-conformance with workplace safety, environmental and quality processes and standards has been identified.


    Responsibilities of AIG Solutions employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons


    All AIG Solutions employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons are accountable for complying with their responsibilities described within the Safety, Environmental and Quality Policies and as defined within this Integrated Management System.

    All employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons have a duty of care to ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others. All employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons are responsible for reporting all unsafe situations, hazards and risks to the AIG Solutions Supervisor and adhering to the control measures implemented on site. All employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons are to understand and comply with the Site Safety Induction and the Site Safety Instructions and report to the AIG Solutions Supervisor if those instructions are not being complied with by employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons.

    All employees, contractors, apprentices, visitors and other persons should actively contribute ideas that will make the workplace safer, enhance productivity and reduce AIG Solutions environmental footprint.

    While at work, an employee, contractor, apprentice, visitor and another person must ensure the following:

    • take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety;
    • take reasonable care for the health and safety of persons who may be affected by the employee's acts or omissions at a workplace;
    • co-operate with his or her employer with respect to any action taken by the employer to comply with a requirement imposed by or under relevant Acts or the regulations
    • must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything provided at the workplace which could impose health, safety or welfare risk
    • comply with legislative and AIG Solutions Integrated Management System requirements
    • identify all safety hazards, risks and environmental aspects and impacts
    • follow all working procedures and safe work practices
    • use knowledge and skills gained during training
    • only operate plant, equipment and machinery that you are trained, qualified and competent to use
    • use plant, equipment, safety devices and personal protective equipment correctly
    • use plant and equipment for its intended use and as per manufacturer specifications.
    • promptly report any unsafe working conditions, faulty equipment, hazards, risks, incidents and injuries
    • do not consume alcohol or other drugs as it will place yourself and others at risk whilst at work
    • are responsible for identifying and reporting all safety and environmental hazards and/or risks to their Supervisor
    • persons are encouraged to recommend solutions to identified hazards and/or risks through the communication and consultation process
    • An Emergency Response Plan defines who has been assigned responsibility to act in the various emergency situations that may involve fires, major accidents/injuries, property damage etc.


    ISO 45001:2018 Safety Management System Standard


    ISO 45001:2018 is the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Health and Safety which prescribes that certain steps need to be taken to comply with the standard.

    AIG Solutions has put steps in place to comply with the standard and is audited every 12 months to ensure we continually meet the standard.





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    ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System 

    ISO14001:2015 is the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Environmental Management which prescribes that certain steps need to be taken to comply with the standard.


    AIG Solutions has put steps in place to comply with the standard and is audited every 12 months to ensure we continually meet the standard.

    Click the button below to know more about what AIG Solutions is committed to in each area.





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    ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Policy  


    ISO 9001:2015 is the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Environmental Management which prescribes that certain steps need to be taken to comply with the standard.

    AIG Solutions has put steps in place to comply with the standard and is audited every 12 months to ensure we continually meet the standard.

    Our promise to our clients is that we produce a quality product – every time. In this, we need your help.

    We have put together a list of tasks that you may perform throughout your life at AIG Solutions. This list helps you to understand what we expect from you.

    Please click on all tasks and tick the box on the following page once you read and understood them as we are legally responsible for keeping this as a record of your understanding.




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    Emergency Response Plan



    This Emergency Response Plan is designed to ensure that arrangements are in place to effectively respond to emergencies by implementing Emergency Actions Plans which are developed and implemented to;

    • Minimise injury and damage.
    • Minimise harm to the environment; and
    • Preserve the Projects operability and reputation.

    The processes identified in this Plan will provide first response information for an onsite emergency, where it is safe to do so, until the arrival of external Emergency Services personnel.

    This Emergency Response Plan provides the framework to manage, respond and recover from Project emergencies.



    AIG-IMS-006 Emergency Management Policy and Procedure

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    On the job



    On the job site, you will be responsible for your safety and others' safety including employees, contractors and the general public.

    You will have a toolbox to explain the daily job and ensure your safety on the job site by completing the form in the picture above.

    You will go through a Safe Work Method Statement to ensure hazards and risks are highlighted, identified and actioned before you start any work.

    You will have an opportunity to raise concerns over other risks and hazards.

    First Aid contents are available in all plant.


    On the job



    On the job site, you will be responsible for your safety and others' safety including employees, contractors and the general public.

    You will have a toolbox to explain the daily job and ensure your safety on the job site by completing the form in the picture above.

    You will go through a Safe Work Method Statement to ensure hazards and risks are highlighted, identified and actioned before you start any work.

    You will have an opportunity to raise concerns over other risks and hazards.

    First Aid contents are available in all plant.



    Construction: Civil/Roadworks Industry

    These are the most common injuries and hazards for people working in the Civil/ Roadworks Industry, as shown by injury claims.








    Hazardous Manual Handling


    AIG Solutions is committed to the health, safety and welfare of all our employees and contractors. To this end, AIG Solutions will as, far as is practicable ensure that the risk to employees and others under our control is minimised when completing Manual or repetitive tasks that could cause personal injury.

    Hazardous Manual Handling

    Hazardous Manual Handling is referred to as any work requiring the physical exertion of a person to lift, push, pull, lower or carry or if a person is required to restrain one or more of the following:

    repetitive or sustained application of force
    sustained awkward posture
    repetitive movement
    application of high force involving single or repetitive use of force that it would be reasonable to expect that a person in the workforce may have difficulty undertaking
    exposure to sustained vibration
    live persons or animals
    unstable or unbalanced loads or loads that are difficult to grasp or hold.


    AIG-IMS-009 Hazardous Manual Handling Policy and Procedure


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    Clothing (Personal Protective Clothing)



    One of the many ways we try to ensure your safety is to provide you with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment you need to ensure you are safe whilst working with us.


    Ensure you wear appropriate PPE on the job site.


    • Approved PPE to be worn onsite as per pictures above.
    • Long sleeves MUST not be rolled up
    • Sunscreen to be worn at all times (SPF 30)


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    Incident and Injury Reporting

    Injuy Report

    By now you are aware of how serious we are about ensuring everyone’s safety, but injuries still occur.

    Accidents, Incidents, Injuries and Near Misses MUST be reported to your supervisor or manager to ensure it is formally recorded and further investigation occurs to minimise hazards and risks in the workplace.

    If you have an injury, incident or accident YOU MUST complete an injury form in TRAFFIO

    There is a first aid kit in every truck to ensure you are safe and have access to medical equipment.

    You must keep the first aid kit (in the trucks) clean at all times to ensure the infection is not caused by dirty items in the kit.

    Reporting an Injury

    You must notify your employer of any injury or illness within 1 day of you becoming aware of it. YOU MUST complete an injury form in TRAFFIO


    AIG-IMS-005 Hazard, Injury and Incident Policy and Procedure

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      Safety1st Banner


     Check out our Site Safety Rules and Behaviours that we expect on site:

    1. Site restrictions, hazards and controls have been accessed and communicated to all on site.
    2. Be Alert – don’t become complacent with your work environment.
    3. Be seen - wear high visibility clothing.
    4. Communicate - Operators must know where you are.
    5. Look out for other workers - warn other workers if they are in danger.
    6. Report any hazards - real or potential.





    To prevent injury to employees, contractors and visitors at the workplace/worksite that may arise due to unnecessary use of mobile phones and other electronic devices.

    Mobile phones and unauthorised electronic devices are a distraction and can lead to injury, incident or death.

    AIG Solutions is committed to providing a work environment that is safe and without risk to their employees and members of the public. To assist AIG Solutions meet their obligations the following mobile phone protocols

    At no time is it acceptable, whilst on a job site, to be in use of a mobile phone.

    AIG Solutions have ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone using a mobile phone on a job site.

    Unless it is an URGENT family matter or a WORK-RELATED matter - In which case you are to remove yourself from the job site to accept or make the call.

    Anyone who is in breach of this policy will be relieved of their duty and asked to leave the job site.

    If an employee, contractor or visitor is found using a mobile phone or unauthorised electronic device, management is to be advised and AIG Solutions’s ‘Issue Resolution Procedure’ will be carried out by management.


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    Employees must not be placed at risk at our workplace due to the effects of their or some other person’s use of alcohol, prescribed or illicit drugs or any medication.

    To ensure employee safety, AIG Solutions will engage a suitably qualified person to undertake random drug and alcohol testing of employees whilst engaged with AIG Solutions.

    Employees, contractors or visitors are not allowed to bring any drugs onto any premise or vehicles that are either owned or rented by AIG Solutions.

    The bringing onto, and consumption of, alcohol on the premise is prohibited.

    Employees or contractors are not to be on-site or must be safely removed from the workplace if they are under the influence or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    Any employee who believes that another employee is affected by alcohol or drugs must notify their respective manager.

    If the responsible manager for an employee believes that an employee, contractor or visitor is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they must immediately arrange for the person concerned to be safely escorted off the site. Where appropriate, arrangements must be made to transport the person home, and where a AIG Solutions vehicle is involved, the person concerned must not be allowed to drive this car.

    Any incident involving alcohol or drugs must be fully reported to AIG Solutions as soon as possible and where applicable the disciplinary policy and procedures may apply.

    If an employee, contractor or visitor affected by alcohol or drugs does not immediately leave the workplace, or if they become violent, a senior manager must be notified and the matter referred to the police.


    AIG-IMS-011 Drugs and Alcohol (including smoking) Policy and Procedure

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    Workplace Bullying Policy and Procedure


    AIG Solutions values and respects the diversity of its workforce and is committed to providing a workplace that is free of bullying, harassment and workplace violence for all employees, contractors, clients and visitors to the workplace.

    AIG Solutions considers discrimination and harassment as unacceptable forms of behaviour that will not be tolerated under any circumstances. AIG Solutions management will take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring in the workplace.

    Discrimination and harassment are serious forms of behaviour and in some cases, are against State and National laws. v considers any breach or suspected breach of State and National legislation as potentially serious misconduct

    AIG Solutions Policy and Procedure will identify the procedure and demonstrate the ongoing commitment to an equal opportunity workplace that is free from antisocial behaviours, prejudice and conflict. The following will provide all employees with their responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure.


    AIG-IMS-003 Workplace Bullying Policy and Procedure

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    Chemicals and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)


    The Manager is to maintain a Safety Data Sheet Register (AUS-REG-006 SDS Register) to register Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all classified hazardous and non-hazardous substances used by AIG Solutions. The Manager is responsible for ensuring all SDS are the most current version.

    Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

    Relevant Safety Data Sheets are to be retained on each site or within each vehicle where a hazardous substance or non-hazardous substance will be used. Original copies of SDS’s are to be maintained within the Safety Data Sheet Register (AUS-REG-006 SDS Register).

    Purchasing Hazardous Substances

    Before ordering or purchasing any hazardous substances, the Manager must be satisfied that there is no safer substance or chemical readily available. If a hazardous substance/chemical is to be purchased an assessment of the risks via the SDS must be undertaken and appropriate controls are to be applied and communicated through a SWMS or similar.

    The Supervisor is responsible for the safe handling, storage and disposal of hazardous substances/chemicals on the site. Depending on the hazardous substance or dangerous goods, the supervisor must ensure that statutory obligations are met in relation to purchasing, storage, usage and transportation.


    AIG-IMS-008 Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substance Policy and Procedure

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    Mobile Plant Management


    AIG Solutions is committed to the health, safety and welfare of all our employees and contractors. To this end AIG Solutions will as, far as is practicable ensure that the risk to employees and others under our control is minimised when completing tasks involving the mobile plant.




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    Safe Work Method Statements


    SWMS are to be developed for all high-risk construction work. Employees shall be consulted on SWMS and are to signed-off on a SWMS prior to undertaking that activity. All SWMS are to be reviewed on an annual basis in consultation with employees or if there is an incident or accident, change in work practices or a change to the OH&S Policy applicable to a SWMS then that SWMS shall be reviewed to ensure the SWMS is relevant.

    You must complete a SWMS before starting a new job (EVERY TIME).

    Please click on the example SWMS (Below) and tick the box once you read and understood them as we are legally responsible for keeping this as a record of your understanding.




    AIG-IMS-SWMS-003 - COVID19

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    Testing your knowledge


    You will now be asked 5 questions, this will satisfy us that you have read and understood what we are trying to achievewhen we induct you into our company.


    (1) You are on site and your work mate or supervisor asks you to go and tell another work mate that he doesn’t have to wear earmuffs when working near loud machinery, what do you do?

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    (2) You are installing an airconditioning and you get an electric shock, what do you do?(*)

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    (3) Your supervisor asks you to pick up the heavy unit off the back of the ute, what do you do?

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    (4) You are on site and other staff begin to joke about you in a way that upsets you, they think they are being funny and other work mates are laughing. You have told them that this is upsetting you, but they continue. What do you do?

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    Required Personal Details




    Please complete the forms below and either;

    1. Email them to info@xxxx

    2. Fax them or

    3. Bring them into the office.


    Superannuation Form

    Employee Tax Form


    We look forward to making you part of the team BUT you must complete these forms before working with us



    Congratulations! You have completed the online induction system. Please be sure you click the 'Submit' button below as that will send us a notification that you have completed the steps in this form. Don't forget to fill out and either email/fax back to us any documentation that you were supposed to complete as part of this induction. You may go back through this form to get any documents you might have missed.


    Induction Complete

    If you do not hear from us in 3 to 4 working days, please get in contact with us.