Employees must not be placed at risk at our workplace due to the effects of their or some other person’s use of alcohol, prescribed or illicit drugs or any medication.
To ensure employee safety, AIG Solutions will engage a suitably qualified person to undertake random drug and alcohol testing of employees whilst engaged with AIG Solutions.
Employees, contractors or visitors are not allowed to bring any drugs onto any premise or vehicles that are either owned or rented by AIG Solutions.
The bringing onto, and consumption of, alcohol on the premise is prohibited.
Employees or contractors are not to be on-site or must be safely removed from the workplace if they are under the influence or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Any employee who believes that another employee is affected by alcohol or drugs must notify their respective manager.
If the responsible manager for an employee believes that an employee, contractor or visitor is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they must immediately arrange for the person concerned to be safely escorted off the site. Where appropriate, arrangements must be made to transport the person home, and where a AIG Solutions vehicle is involved, the person concerned must not be allowed to drive this car.
Any incident involving alcohol or drugs must be fully reported to AIG Solutions as soon as possible and where applicable the disciplinary policy and procedures may apply.
If an employee, contractor or visitor affected by alcohol or drugs does not immediately leave the workplace, or if they become violent, a senior manager must be notified and the matter referred to the police.
AIG-IMS-011 Drugs and Alcohol (including smoking) Policy and Procedure