AIG Traffic Management Plans
Traffic Management Plans
Melbourne is now in a period of high growth and development. The local planning and highway authorities continuously highlight the measures under the road management act 2004 to manage these developments to ensure that we carefully plan and manage our work to minimise and mitigate the potential impacts on the network and environment to maintain the Australian standard.
A traffic management plan could include the following.
- Desired flow of movements of any road users such as pedestrian and vehicle
- Anticipated frequency of involvement between vehicles and pedestrians
- Demonstrations or specimens of the layout of barriers, walkways, signs and general arrangements to warn and guide traffic around, past, or through a work site or temporary hazard, and
- Plan to manage short term, mobile work and complex traffic situations on main roads or any project location.

AIG Traffic is one of the industry leaders and is always ready to address your traffic concerns. It has a reliable, efficient and experienced team to assist your project needs, designing accurate and compliant TMP plans to obtain approval while maintaining the highest compliance standards. After taking the information provided into consideration, our team will assess the site location and traffic flow identifying any potential risk to guide you in what you need to do to ensure that both road users and your business are protected. Our detailed planning, team, clear communication, equipment and safety-driven attitude always keep our clients' costs low and have the ability to run their projects smoothly on time.

When do you need a traffic management plan?
Traffic management plan is needed when there will be:
Temporary changes to traffic conditions
Road and footpath closures or Road reserve
Traffic detours.

If you plan any works, including road closures for events on a road, street, lane or footpath, a traffic management plan (TMP) must be submitted to either council or the Main Road Authority.
TMPs are required by the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986 and Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 Traffic control devices for road work. All TMPs submitted must be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and must be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009.
For a large workplace with a high traffic volume, a traffic management plan can help you convey how you are managing the traffic risks at your workplace.
Our traffic management plans meet the requirements of VicRoads and local councils for:
VicRoads Memorandum of Authorisation to conduct traffic management on public roads.
Local council permits for traffic management and traffic control at road openings, road closures, cranes, concrete pumps and public events
We will prepare and submit the VicRoads MoA and council permits on your behalf.

"I tried putting the traffic management plans and permits together myself, but it takes too much time, and time is money! I know I can trust AIG Traffic to get the plans and permits on time, first time. They are like a breath of fresh air, the AIG Traffic service is second to none."
Nick, MARNIK Developments one of our customers review
Road closure permit
Our team use the latest traffic management planning software to make sure that our traffic management plans meet the requirements of the Australian Standard AS1742.3 - 2009: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 3: Traffic Control for Works on Roads, as well as the Worksite Safety - AIG Traffic Management Code of Practice. AIG Traffic's traffic management plans are accepted by VicRoads, Yarra Trams and local councils
Latest Traffic Management Software
Our team use the latest traffic management planning software to make sure that our traffic management plans meet the requirements of the Australian Standard AS1742.3 - 2009: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 3: Traffic Control for Works on Roads, as well as the Worksite Safety - AIG Traffic Management Code of Practice. AIG Traffic's traffic management plans are accepted by VicRoads, Yarra Trams and local councils

All our traffic management applications and plans are in compliance with:
- VicRoads Supplement to AS1742.3
- Traffic control devices for works on roads
- Code of practice, Worksite Safety and Traffic Management
- Road Management Act 2004
- Road Safety Road Rules 2017
- Any other relevant regulations, standards and guidelines.
Our traffic planning process:

AIG Traffic is on the register of VicRoads pre qualified contractors and consultants. We Provide Traffic Management Plans, Traffic Guidance Schemes and Permits Traffic Control Training and Consulting. We also offer professional support to clients to get traffic control permits and a Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA)Permits. The difference between a traffic control permit and an MoA Permit is that MoA permits are issued by the local council and are needed for projects on a street or roads owned by the council. An MoA is required for work on a street or roads owned by VicRoads. The Traffic Guidance Schemes are documents outlining the necessary contacts, standards (AS1742.3 2009), emergency vehicle and public transport allowances, traffic controller instructions, signage requirements and critical site information. Regardless of the projects, it's vital that the relevant permits or MoA are in place. When you commission AIG Traffic to undertake your traffic management, we will:
Conduct a site visit to identify risks to the OH&S of workers and the public.
Identify the most cost-effective traffic management solution for you.
Prepare a Safe Work Method Statement
Prepare a traffic management plan/s
Prepare and submit an MoA application to VicRoads
Prepare and submit a permit application to Yarra Trams, if applicable
Prepare and submit all council applications
Deliver a first-class traffic management service to you

Traffic Management Melbourne
AIG Traffic is a Traffic Control company in Melbourne and Traffic Management Melbourne, Victoria, specialising in delivering traffic management Melbourne services, jobs and courses and providing traffic control products. From traffic management Melbourne planning to the ground traffic controllers.